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album of the decade


let’s try some dumber simpler posts on here

pitchfork did some half-decade lists and of course fetch the bolt cutters, the only album they’ve given a 10 since my beautiful dark twisted fantasy, is #1.

fetch the bolt cutters is such a funny album because nobody ever talks about it except in conversations like this. it’s a record that exists exclusively to fit the mold of what is supposed to top an “album of the decade” list, but nobody listens to it or talks about it or is influenced by it. is it really good music if nobody does any of the things that people do with music with it?

fantano gave it a 7/10 and honestly it’s one of the takes i respect most from him. people wrote bizarre, parasocial essays psychoanalyzing him as a misogynist for that review where he was brave enough to be the norman rockwell freedom of speech guy and say that the record is just fine. not only is it not the album of the half-decade or whatever, it’s not even fiona apple’s best album.

it’s so funny that the only albums pitchfork has given a 10 to in the last 15 years are my beautiful dark twitsted fantasy (2010) and fetch the bolt cutters (2020). according to pitchfork, the 2010s went by without a single 10/10 album. not blonde (which topped their album of the decade list), not to pimp a butterfly (which topped everyone else’s album of the decade list), not the money store (which tops my album of the decade list), not any of the other ultra-influential, utterly perfect records that graced all of our ears that decade. what a weird website.

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